f08c47fec0942fa0 面白い商品がたくさんあります!Lots of interesting products here! | b型事業所アクセプト

面白い商品がたくさんあります!Lots of interesting products here!


Our company is an office of welfare services for the disabled.
We are a business office for people with disabilities to work.
One of our work is selling secondhand goods.
We sell on Yahoo! Auctions, Mercari, ebay, etc.
Sometimes we get quite interesting items when we purchase on the secondhand market. Since I am in the mood for a blog post, I thought I would introduce these items on my blog. We also write in English so that people from other countries can read it.
So, what is the product this time?

鬼滅の刃のアソートセット商品を仕入れました!I just stocked up on Demon Slayer assorted set items!


As you all know, Demon Slyer is a hit Japanese manga, and this time we stocked Demon Slyer products.
I’d like to give you a brief explanation!


A blockbuster hit, Demon Slyer is a Japanese-style sword-fighting tale set in Japan’s Taisho Era, in which the main character, a young boy, battles demons in order to turn his sister, who has turned into a demon, back into a human. The total number of copies of the book (23 volumes) has sold over 150 million copies as of February 2021

The author is Koyoharu Gtouge, and the series was serialized for about 4 years from 2016-2020!
The movie “Infinity Train” in the assortment set is the 7th or 8th volume of the original manga, and has become so popular that it ranked first at the Japanese movie box office!

無限列車編ブルーレイ Blu-ray Disc of the movie Infinite

鬼滅の刃を例えるならば兄妹愛!家族の絆を見て頂きたい!If I were to compare Demon Slyer to a , it would be brother-sister love! We want you to see the family bond!

妹思いの主人公「竈門炭治郎」兄思いの「竈門 禰豆子」この二人が織りなすストーリーにどんどん引き込まれていく事間違いなし!あまり詳しい事を書いてしまうとネタバレになってしまいますので書けませんが、ある切っ掛けにより鬼となってしまった妹「禰豆子」を救うため兄「炭治郎」が苦難の道を

If you have seen Demon Slyer, you will understand what I mean.
Yes, this manga is just amazing in its love between siblings!
The main character “Tanjiro Kamado,” who loves his sister, and ” Nezuko Kamado,” who loves his brother, weave a story that will definitely draw you in! I can’t go into too many details because it would spoil the story, but I can tell you how Tanjiro, the older brother, tries to save his younger sister ” Nezuko” who has become an ogre because of a certain chance.
You will not be able to watch the story of how he and Nezuko overcome the obstacles together without tearing up!

兄妹以外にも個性あふれるキャラクター!Characters full of personality, not just siblings!

仲間たちも大変魅力的になっていて、眠りながら凄まじい強さで戦う「我妻 善逸」や猪に育てられた美少年「嘴平 伊之助」はもちろんの事、鬼殺隊メンバーそしてなんと鬼たちも非常に個性が強く様々な背景が入り乱れておりまだ見ていない方はきっとご自分の好きなキャラクターができると思いますよ!

The friends are also very attractive, including “Agatsuma Zenitsu” who fights with great strength while sleeping, “Hasibira Inosuke”, a beautiful boy who was raiseeven the demons have very strong personalities and various backgrounds, so if you have not seen the show yd by a boar, and of course, the members of the Demon Slayer and et, I am sure you will find your favorite character!

ebayで販売中です Now for sale on ebay!


This item is now for sale on ebay for international buyers. If you are in Japan and would like to have a look at this item, please feel free to access it in the comments.
We will post the ebay product link and the link to the product listing page. Please take a look if you are interested.

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