
#therapy dog セラピー犬



I will write darkly at first, so if it is hard to read, please skip it


In Japan, the introduction of facility dogs, which are dogs with specialized training to accompany people under stress in pediatric wards, began at children’s hospitals and has been remarkably effective, and in some areas pets and other animals have also been introduced at nursing homes and other facilities.


Facility dogs are a wonderful force to be reckoned with. And pets have a healing effect and are a great companion to humans

preciousness of life(命の尊さ)


In recent years, there has been an increase in the abuse of animals due to the forced keeping of other animals, and an increase in the number of people bringing their pets to public health centers.


Indeed, some of them have fallen into economic hardship where they cannot keep them, although they love them, or are elderly and have no choice but to bring them to the public health center.


Owning a pet…you must be prepared to see it through life. Pets also age. You need to be prepared to take care of them.



Certainly pets do not hand out economy. Also, consider your age.

Will you be able to take care of the child (pet)? Please search the internet for information on the life expectancy of pets.


The average life expectancy differs depending on whether the dog is a small, medium, or large dog.


Are you going to keep them just to be cute again? Do you accept them as family? is also an important criterion.


In FY2020, 23,000 dogs and cats were killed at public health centers…but this is still a declining number.

ペットには癒しの効果がありますhealing effect

セラピードッグとは ケガや病気を抱えた方や、心のケアが必要な方にぴったりと寄り添う、セラピードッグ。 そして何よりも癒やしをもたらすために高度な訓練を受けています。 日本レスキュー協会のセラピードッグは、ふれあい活動のずっと先にある介護ケアプランや医療プログラムを見据えた存在を目指して活動しています。

What is a therapy dog? Therapy dogs are the perfect companion for those who are injured or ill or in need of emotional care. Above all, they are highly trained to bring healing. The Japan Rescue Association’s therapy dogs work to be present for nursing care plans and medical programs that go far beyond petting activities.

 セラピードッグtherapy dog日本でも浸透してきた活動ですよね。


Eye contact is important for pets, too, and when you gaze at them, their gentle eyes heal you. When you are sad, pets are there to gently cuddle with you


I don’t know if they understand the language or not because they are human…but they definitely seem to be close to my heart and want to be close to me


It would be good if there are more places for these children (pets) to live… If that is a nursing home or if they are taken in as employees who can be there for the mentally ill, these children have the magic to save the hearts of users and patients


Dogs and cats have been living together with humans for a long time… They have a trusting relationship with humans because of their heredity.
They help us hunt, walk with us, be a part of our family, and sometimes serve as rescue dogs, police dogs, and guide dogs for the blind


Pets are important family members


Next time I would like to introduce the cuteness and the hard living doggie to this place I attend