
超幸運のパワーアイテム!恵比寿&大黒天の木像Super lucky power item! Wooden statues of Ebisu and Daikokuten

面白い商品がたくさんあります!Lots of interesting products here!


Our company is an office of welfare services for the disabled.
We are a business office for people with disabilities to work.
One of our work is selling secondhand goods.
We sell on Yahoo! Auctions, Mercari, ebay, etc.
Sometimes we get quite interesting items when we purchase on the secondhand market. Since I am in the mood for a blog post, I thought I would introduce these items on my blog. We also write in English so that people from other countries can read it.
So, what is the product this time?

日本ではお馴染みの縁起物”七福神”!The “Seven Lucky Gods” are a well-known good-luck charm in Japan!

なんとこの〝七福神” とても変わっていて色んな宗教と神道が合体したコラボ宗教のようなものという事実をご存じの人は少ないんじゃないでしょうか?

The Seven Gods of Good Fortune are synonymous with good luck in Japan.
I think that not many people know that the “Seven Deities of Good Fortune” are very unusual and are a kind of religious collaboration combining Various Religions and Shintoism.
First of all, let me briefly tell you about Ebisu and Daikokuten, who are probably the most famous!

宝船に乗る七福神 Seven gods of good fortune riding on a treasure ship

インドの神と日本の神の融合 ~大黒天~Fusion of Indian and Japanese Gods ~Zaifuku Daikokuten




He is a combination of an incarnation of the Indian Hindu god Shiva and the Japanese god Okuninushi.

He is said to be the god of wealth and food, and has been loved by the common people of Japan.
In Japan, there is also a term called ” Daikokubashira” (the “main pillar”)

Daikoku-bashira” came to be used in Japan to mean “the central figure supporting the house or country,” as it is the pillar that holds up the center of a building.

In the old days, Japanese houses had a pillar facing the kitchen, which was called “daikoku-bashira” because “Daikokuten,” one of the seven gods of good fortune, was worshipped on the pillar as the “god of the kitchen.

大黒天 Daikokuten (god of wealth)

商売繁盛!海上安全!~恵比寿神~ Prosperous business! Safety at sea! ~Ebisu God~



While the other seven deities of good fortune are of Indian, Chinese, or hermit origin, the only one of them is of Japanese origin, and the only one of the seven gods of good fortune is the god of the “Seven Gods of Good Fortune”.
He is said to be the son of Okuninushi.
The Daikokuten is said to be the son of Daikokuninushi, the god from which the first Daikokuten was derived.

In the old days, it was treated as a god of fishery, but over time, it is said to have become a god of good fortune, bringing “prosperity in business” and “good harvest”.

恵比寿神 god of Ebisu

木製のこの像2体中々存在感があります! These two wooden statues have quite a presence!



We have just received this auspicious statue of Daikokuten and Ebisu, the two deities in the photo that we have been talking about, so if you feel a connection with them, you may want to pick one up.
We highly recommend it for its presence and the feeling of the wood inside, which seems to be stuffed inside.

ebayで販売中です Now for sale on ebay!


This item is now for sale on ebay for international buyers. If you are in Japan and would like to have a look at this item, please feel free to access it in the comments.
We will post the ebay product link and the link to the product listing page. Please take a look if you are interested.

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